Welcome to Loophole Travel! Whenever I ask people about their life goals, I get an almost universal response – TRAVEL. If someone handed you $1,000,000 today, what would you do? After perhaps paying off a house/car/student loans, I imagine that “see the world” would be at the top of your list. What if I told you that this goal is much closer than you may think? Through the pages of this website, we will provide you the tools, tips, strategies, resources, and loopholes to see the world for virtually free! I will also share personal trips that my wife and I have taken using the very strategies we will teach you. Browse through the pages linked below to get started on the path that will unlock some amazing adventures. Cheers!
Getting Started with Miles & Points
If you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably new to the wonderful world of miles & points. We want to help you unlock the huge potential and experience incredible travel experiences! Our Guide to Getting Started will help you earn some of the best bonuses available. Follow along with this simple guide to learn the nuts and bolts of scoring big travel rewards. With these instructions, you can earn enough miles/points to fly round trips to Europe AND Hawaii!

start here
Reward Programs
We will break down the ins and outs of various rewards programs, including airlines, hotels, credit cards, cash back portals, and pretty much anything travel-related. Learn how to optimize the benefits you’ve earned and check the value of each point or mile you have. Page Update Coming Soon.
Trip Reports
We share Real Stories of Real Travel. These stories and pictures will serve to inspire you to dream of your own adventures. We provide the strategies to earn your trips, and we build itinerary templates for you to tailor to your own tastes and interests.

Riding Camels at the Pyramids of Giza
Credit Card Offers
Utilizing credit card bonuses to score free travel is the core strategy we recommend. Our Top Offers menu provides links to the best credit card offers available in the market. This section will change constantly as new offers and strategies develop.
Travel Gear
We always travel very light, usually with only a single carry-on bag. In our Travel Gear section, we analyze and review the bags, clothing, gear, and accessories that we carry. Mastering the art of packing efficiently is one of the best things you can to do optimize your travel experience. No more waiting at baggage claim or lugging around huge suitcases!

Tortuga Outbreaker Backpack 35L
Travel Coach
Here we provide personalized consulting services to help you earn and book the vacation of your dreams. If you want some extra guidance for your specific goals, we are happy to help! Check out our options for Travel Coaching here.